Processes, data and people: where does smart data fit in your organization

Smart Industries play a vital role in the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. Each industrial revolution raises questions about the impact on people and organizations. Changes due to digitalization with Industry 4.0 raise those very questions. More specifically, where does smart data fit in industry?
People are the guardians of your process expertise
In short, data analysis will never replace the knowledge and expertise acquired by your teams over many years. Existing knowledge about physics, chemistry and biology that drive your processes, as well as about your industrial tool, are fundamental. The arrival of smart data in industry must not overshadow this.
Smart data – or data analysis – in industry supports expertise
That said, smart data is a means for improvement that should not be overlooked. It can be a powerful weapon combined intelligently with your team’s expertise. Particularly to improve performance.
If you establish your data analysis strategy to support your organizational processes, it will be instrumental in increasing your scope of action. It will also stimulate and augment your team’s reflections.
Think about the time your teams spend analyzing abnormal situations… Or searching for causes in a tangle of data. Or worse – perhaps this isn’t even possible under current circumstances.
Lift these barriers by applying an industrialized approach to data analysis. Free up your teams to explore strategies for improvement and to spend more time rolling out solutions.
Combine analysis, expertise and skills for sustainable performance
Given their experience and expertise, your teams will be capable of critical observation of the data and resulting analysis. As a result, they will be able to draw relevant conclusions and decide on pertinent actions. In return, by increasing their capacity for analysis, you will be rapidly enhancing their experience.
It is important not to oppose people and tools for data analysis or Smart Data. Instead, choose an appropriate organization to foster their interaction as pragmatically as possible.