WITH OIAnalytics, make widespread use of data in your plant
OIAnalytics has been designed to meet the specific data needs of the process manufacturing industries. It relies on a contextualisation engine to structure and transform your data into relevant information and on configurable business applications tailored to the challenges of your industry.
Your teams will have easy access to the right information, in the right place, at the right time. In this way, OIAnalytics will help your organisation move towards data-driven operations.
Contextualisation engine
OIAnalytics contextualisation engine will help you to build a common business data repository with:
‣ Predefined data models and processing for the business context of your industry.
‣ An optimised and proven data architecture.
‣ An open solution adaptable to your environment (fully configurable by business experts, API integration…)
No-code configurable Business Applications

Plant bi
The visualisation tool for process industry to freely build your monitoring, reporting, analysis and investigations

Advanced analytics
The tools to better understand your process behaviour, find influent parameters, optimise operational conditions…

Forms &
shift notebooks
The tools to remove the papers in your workshops and capture the related data
Discover how our customers get value
with OIAnalyticsKey factors for a successful digital transformation and deployment of a group-wide industrial data solution to improve plants efficiency.
Autonomously set up the collection of data from industrial pilots to get the proper feedback to adjust pilot operation in real-time and shorten post pilot data processing.
Provide teams with a collaborative tool share data from plant operations, quality control… to improve productivity process stability and overall industrial performance.