Pharmaceutical industry

Our customers in the pharmaceutical industry (active ingredients derived from chemical processes or biotechnologies, diagnostic products, etc.) operate in a very competitive environment with, in particular, significant challenges in terms of traceability, quality, productivity and the ability to supply the market on time.

Meeting these challenges requires approaching the subject from all angles: reduction of downtime in productions, reduction in the volume of non-compliant products due to the variability of raw materials or lack of control of processes, real-time collection of information to feed production files (Batch Records) and accelerate the release of batches while meeting the traceability requirements of the authorities...

Finally, the requirements of the health authorities require being able to ensure fine and secure traceability of production, but also to be in a position to investigate in a very short time when production processes derail and endanger the conformity of products.

Use cases

The main use cases implemented by our customers in the pharmaceutical industry

  • Traceability and quality management
  • Product quality
  • Productivity
  • Cleaning in place management (NEP)

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