Managing climate risks in industry: insights from Rong Yi Solutions

37min | 04/12/2023

"[…] Mandatory requirements are increasing for companies to report climate risks and climate exposure. It's a all part of the CSRD wich says "businesses have to analyse and understand how they are expose to changes coming up with climate". So think already about the things that you have to do. Wether you are sure or not that climate is changing to 2 degrees, 3 degrees or 4 degrees, is very different then thinking that you have to comply with the reporting requirement in the next 2 to 5 years."

With Maxime Katgely, Founding Partner and Managing Director at Rong Yi Solutions, explore how industries can manage climate risks. He explains the process of assessing, quantifying, and converting climate hazards into measurable risks, as well as prioritizing actions. He stresses the crucial role of technology, data, and swift adaptation to the climate change.

Voice of Industries | The podcast that introduces you to the leaders and experts who are transforming the industry.

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