Materials Industries

In the materials sector, our solution offers great flexibility to adapt to the wide range of activities: plastics, composite materials, textiles, polymers, construction materials, insulation materials, cement, graphite...

Whatever the process, the relevant data (analysis on raw materials, during production, semi-finished and finished products, control parameters, online measurements, energy metering, etc.) are integrated and centralized to be available in a single monitoring tool.

Whether for continuous production, per campaign or batch, the data is aggregated to allow a better understanding of the behavior of production processes. For example, for batch productions, production traceability, genealogy, genealogy, continuous data, and data collected at the batch scale are aggregated to constitute synthetic information that is homogeneous per operation, per campaign.

Use cases

The main use cases implemented by our customers in the materials industry:

  • Productivity
  • Energy performance
  • Raw material performance
  • Product quality
  • Availability and performance of assets
  • Carbon footprint

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