Our customers in the food and beverage industry (dairy products, bakery products and pastries, drinks, etc.) operate in a very competitive environment with, in particular, significant challenges in terms of material losses and quality. Meeting these challenges requires approaching the subject from all angles: reduction of losses during washing, reduction in the volume of non-compliant products due to the variability of raw materials or a lack of control of processes...
At the same time, when production lines are saturated, working on productivity becomes a priority issue to meet demand while avoiding investments that penalize cash flow and profitability. It is also a job made indispensable by the increasingly diverse demands of customers who require an agile production tool.
Finally, health regulation require being able to ensure accurate traceability of production, but also to be in a position to investigate to resolve a crisis and answer questions from the authorities, all within a very short time frame.
The main use cases implemented by our agri-food customers.