Some time ago we wrote an article about” Facilitating interactions between teams: how does digitalization make it possible to dematerialize support for industrial performance? ”
The health crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic has highlighted the lack of resilience of certain activities. Through this article, we invite you to explore how digitalization makes it possible to gain resilience and to secure your industrial activity.
Many situations can lead to some teams working remotely: health crisis, weather conditions, personal reasons... These situations can have serious consequences on the ability of these teams to carry out their activity. They may find themselves unable to do their job or with much lower productivity.
However, we are now much better equipped to deal with these situations. Cloud and SaaS collaborative work tools have been democratized in companies. It is possible to have VPN accesses to access on-premises systems.
The first aspect is to ensure that its Information System can be operational simply from the teams' mobile workstations, whether in the factory or outside. Many approaches exist: VPNs, SaaS solutions... with of course the pre-requisite of cyber security (whether from a technical, organizational but also human perspective).
We must not forget the material aspect either. It's going to be difficult to be resilient if teams have fixed positions. On the other hand, in the event of a long period of teleworking, not having an adapted screen in addition to that of a laptop can prove to be a source of discomfort and inefficiency. On this subject, INRS is publishing a guide on best practices for remote working.
Beyond business tools, it is necessary to integrate tools that facilitate remote interactions: instant messaging, videoconferences, virtual whiteboards... which will be a palliative to the disappearance of physical interactions.
You have to look at the subject from several angles:
At Optimistik, during the Covid-19 epidemic in spring 2020, our teams organized themselves with those of our customers and our partners. For example, on a project where most of the teams were working from home, the SaaS aspect of our solution allowed us, with the teams still present on the site, to deploy our solution. OIAnalytics and to implement concrete actions to improve the performance of their production lines despite the situation.
Author: Mathieu Cura