Optimization of processes for the chemical industry: SMAPI project

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Optimistik and its partners financed by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region for the collaborative project “SMAPI”.

This 2-year project, financed to the tune of one million euros, aims to develop new optimization tools for industrial pilots, integrating data collection and analysis.

The objective is to accelerate the process of development and optimization of processes by combining online analysis tools and machine learning algorithms.

The study of data from previous tests will make it possible to determine the most relevant tests to be carried out in order to optimize yields, increase the quality of the finished product, minimize the quantity of by-products and maximize environmental performances.

The “SMAPI” project brings together the R&D platform Axel'One (specialized in chemistry and the environment), the LIRIS laboratory (laboratory specialized in computer science) of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, the company ChemIntelligence and Optimistik.

We especially thank the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region for its support in carrying out this project.

région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes