The State is committed to the transformation of SMEs 1 and ETI 2 industrial companies in order to strengthen the competitiveness of French industry and its capacity to create activity and jobs on the territory. The Government is setting up aid for transformation investments in the industry of the future and is thus mobilizing 40 million euros as of 2020 to support this dynamic.
As part of the plan” France Relance ”, the tax assistance provided by the “Industry Digital Transformation Plan” is transformed into a grant. This aid is intended for SMEs and ETIs and concerns an investment in a property used for an industrial activity on French territory, when this property falls into one of the following categories:
The subsidy rate is thus increased to 40% and limited to:
Grant applications can be submitted from now until 31.12.2020.
More information and procedures on the ASP website
Optimistik is eligible for this device. With sound” Process Data Lake ” for the storage and structuring of data and its tools “ofAugmented expertise ” for data visualization and analysis, and its functionalities designed for industrial uses (control cards, SPC, post book, visualizing...), the solution OIAnalytics allows you to respond quickly to your transformation challenges.
1 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are those that, on the one hand, employ less than 250 people, on the other hand, have an annual turnover of no more than 50 million euros or a balance sheet total of no more than 43 million euros. They include the category of microenterprises (MICs) that employ less than 10 people and have an annual turnover or a balance sheet total of no more than 2 million euros. (INSEE definition)
2 A medium-sized company (ETI) is a company that has between 250 and 4999 employees, and either a turnover not exceeding 1.5 billion euros or a balance sheet total not exceeding 2 billion euros. A company that has less than 250 employees, but more than 50 million euros in turnover and more than 43 million euros in balance sheet total is also considered an ETI. (INSEE definition)