Control and Alerting

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Effective control of your assets, equipments and processes (whether continuous or batch) is essential for the operational efficiency of your industrial activities. You want to:

  • Guarantee the quality and stability of your production by monitoring critical parameters of your processes,
  • Ensure the availability of your equipment by continuously monitoring their condition.
  • Alert your teams quickly in the event of a drift in order to be able to react before a situation becomes critical.
  • Optimize the time spent by your teams on this surveillance to free up time for them to deal with substantive topics while multiplying the number of elements monitored.

A modular approach for maximum flexibility

Our solution offers a modular and flexible approach to control, built around fully configurable modular elements:

  • Source data that can be continuous or batch
  • Production contexts that allow you to adapt controls according to the operating modes of your production assets (recipe, equipment used, production rate, etc.)
  • Customizable limits (fixed, variable, calculated, “golden batch” profile...)
  • Flexible control rules (limit exceeded, increasing or decreasing trend, decentering...)
  • A multi-channel alert system (email, SMS) with targeted notifications
  • Visualization adapted to different uses (alert and control summary list, gauges, control cards, golden batch, distributions...)

Native integration for easy deployment

Our control and alerting tools are based natively on the context elements of the OIAnalytics solution (traceability, assets, etc.) to facilitate their deployment. They are fully integrated into our visualization tools to meet the uses of all actors in your organization (production teams, quality department, maintenance teams, etc.).